Zeta Reclamation Process

Reclamation Discount Period  
September 30th is the last day to receive the reclamation dues discount. Your application must be approved by 5:00 PM EST and dues payment received by 11:59 pm EST on September 30th in order to receive the discount. Please only submit the required documents below to avoid delays in processing your application.  IHQ operating hours are Monday- Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST.

Welcome Home!

We understand that life will take us various places, but we are thrilled that your love for our illustrious Sisterhood has led you back to Zeta! To begin the reclamation process we must do our due diligence to verify the membership of each soror interested in reclamation. Reclamation is only available for members who have been inactive/unfinancial for 2 or more complete sorority years. Before you proceed, please review the acceptable documents below and prepare to upload your documents as a part of your application.

Acceptable Documents

You may submit the document from Column A OR the documents from Column B (click each to download).

Be advised, we are unable to accept font-style signatures. Acceptable signatures for reclamation documents include: wet signatures, e-signatures and digital signatures only.

Column A
Column B

Acceptable Documents

If you were last financial as an UNDERGRADUATE, please submit a copy of your transcript confirming your degree or a copy of the actual certificate to ensure your Member Type is updated appropriately.

Be advised, per the Sorority Bylaws, Article II – Members and Chapters, Section 6Member-at-Large

  1. A Graduate Member or Associate Member may select the Member-at-Large membership type at any time, indicating non-affiliation with any local, state, or regional body of the Sorority. An Undergraduate Member in Good Standing may select the Member-at-Large membership type if she transfers to a school with no undergraduate chapter nor local graduate chapter or upon completion of her baccalaureate degree, or its equivalent.

Transfer Requests Only

If you are requesting a transfer only, DO NOT complete this application. This application is only for sorors who are eligible to reclaim. To transfer, submit a Helpdesk ticket via support.zetamemberservices.org.
